THE ONLY WAY IS UP.....6,500 images and counting

May 02, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Hello Folks




Yes we have finally broken through the 6,500 image marker on the website.

This has been achieved mainly by loading up many more shots from Michael Hill, Bob Cragg and Andrew Wiltshire. A batch of 47s plus numerous corporate rail blue images. The usual crop of 37s have also added to the totals.

As mentioned before and on social media, we will be adding more maritime and buses to the website once this blitz on the existing catalogue images reaches a suitable stage of completion.

So THE PROJECT trundles on, and soon I should be able to give it my full attention rather than a part time effort, so you will see an acceleration in the growth of the website. Also of course if you would like to donate any images to the cause or talk to me about re-numeration for any master shots please get in touch. I am particularly partial to green diesels and hydraulics....but aren't we all

Now I must thank our new customers and existing customers for their custom. It is appreciated. Although we will never get rich running TRANSPORT TOPICS, it is nice to make some profit so that more images can be sourced and made available to enthusiasts and collectors alike.

So have a great summer, get out there with the cameras and record the history of UK transport now, as it changes all too rapidly.


Very Best



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