February 21, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Hello Everyone


Many will have seen the mention of THE PROJECT on our Facebook page and other links.

The reason for THE PROJECT is the fact that I have the attention span of a Goldfish, so if I don't organise things into a project things can drift on and on. So THE PROJECT is a way of me focusing on the mammoth task of uploading our images from negs, slides and digital to the website. With 10s of thousands to go I doubt we will ever complete the task to it's conclusion, however we are giving it a bash.

The uploads are and will be a very eclectic mix, so the only easy way for you to keep up is by dipping into the website from time to time. We have images from hundreds of photographers so the style will be varied, some you will like, some maybe not.

We are also happy to have mistakes corrected. We take info from the mounts or wallets and sometimes these are devoid of much information or the details maybe a little bit off. Let us know, we would prefer to have a correction rather than the wrong info.


ALSO, keep viewing our pages on Facebook, it's a good way of seeing what is going on and a way to get a feel of the type of images we are uploading.


Well that's it for now.


All the best


& britishrailwayphotographs.


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