November 02, 2023  •  Leave a Comment

Hello one and all.


After our little tidy up things have taken off again with several collections either in for scanning or arriving shortly.

I am of course continuing with the archive backlog but have recently been working through a collection taken by Jon Smith which is quite varied including diesel and electric subjects. As yet these are not listed in the catalogue or on the website but as time allows they will be integrated.

I am also re-visiting the Brian Lockwood and Ian Ball collections which have been in our possession for many years. This includes black & white diesel and electric negs from the 1960s & 70s plus more modern slides through the 1990s. I originally dipped into these collections to get the ball rolling but as other masters arrived I parked them for when I had more time!

The next collection due is from the camera of Ken Mosley, which are all medium format colour slides. Again diesels and electrics are to the fore. I am indebted to Nigel Mack for loaning me the masters and I hope I can get these images scanned and uploaded in a reasonable time, 8,000 odd masters I am told.

So with the new collections and the older ones that I am re-visiting, I reckon we will be sifting through around 15,000 images. Not all will be uploaded to the website for various reasons, double images, subject already covered etc. But I will be viewing every image with the help of eye drops and copious amounts of Coffee.

So as always I hope you will keep dipping in to see what is being uploaded. Also keep and eye on 'transporttopicsuk' on Ebay where we sell our test shots and the remainder of our Duplicate Slide stock. our 6" x 4" test shots.

Finally if you have been keeping up to date with the goings on here at TRANSPORT TOPICS you will be aware that I retired again, with the aim of taking things a bit easier and getting out of a job situation which had developed from a dream job into a nightmare due to a "more senior" member of staff changing all the processes and basically operating above her capabilities. This was going to allow me more time to scan, list and catalogue. Well that member of staff has 'Left' and I have been asked back to tidy things up and get things back to normal. So back in employment with less time to concentrate on TRANSPORT TOPICS, so back to long evenings with the scanner.

Thanks for reading the waffle.

Best Regards



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